
Showing posts from July, 2021

Monthly Assignment (General Medicine)

  GENERAL MEDICINE ASSIGNMENT Name:Sudarsan sai Mallarapu Roll no:75 Question 1: - I have selected the following elog for reviewing: The reviews for the cases selected are well described. A detailed pinpoint review has been given to each particular case selected, which is helpful in easy analysis.There is even more possibility for more case depicting points which can be selectively described. All the investigations were listed clearly. CT scan images are clear.  Patients details are not shown in any reports, x rays. Vitals are noted properly.History taking was good and well explained.        As a whole elog was good , understandable. Images were clear and explanation was good. Question 2: - I haven't done any elog on history taking yet.I will upload it when i get a chance.  QUESTION 3: - Case 1:- ▪︎The case is abo

Monthly assessment

    B I M O N T H L Y    B L E N D E D A S S E S S M E N T  [JUNE 2021] Name:M.SUDARSAN SAI,MBBS [3rd Semester] ROLL NO: 75 Question 1: Competency tested for peer to peer review and assessment:I have been given the following assignment in an attempt to read, comprehend, analyze,reflect, clinical data including history, clinical findings,investigations and diagnosis.  ANSWER 1 NEUROL OGY Review:1 Case 1: This case about wernickes encephalopathy is explained with every  fine detail such as few seizures  in the past and talking and laughing to himself. The drugs administered are with high efficacy and the mechanism of action are also well explained.  CARDIOLOGY Review:2  Case:2